CSI R-N I ST ADS POLI CY BRI EF - I I , J uly 2 0 12 N AN OT ECH N OLOGY RESEARCH AN D I N N OV AT I ON I N I N DI A: DRAWI N G I N SI GH T S FROM BI BLI OM ET RI C AN D I N N OV AT I ON I N DI CAT ORS Project Supported by Department of Science and Technology - National Science and Technology Management Information System CSIR-National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies New Delhi, India Diverse Applications of Nanotechnology N AN OT ECH N OLOGY RESEARCH AN D I N N OV AT I ON I N I N DI A: DRAWI N G I N SI GHT S FROM BI BLI OM ET RI C AND I N N OV AT I ON I N DI CAT ORS Research Team Dr. Sujit Bhattacharya (Principal Author) Shilpa Jayanthi A. Pushkaran CSIR-National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies New Delhi, India Table of Contents About the Policy Brief 1 Introduction 2 Publication Analysis 3 Patent Analysis 9 Standard Development 12 Products and Processes Developed 13 Final Remarks 16 Methodological Note 18 About the PolicyBrief This Policy brief draws from the ongoing project “Knowledge Creation and Innovation in an Emerging Technology: Contemporary and Future Scenario in Nanotechnology”1. The study applies bibliometric and innovation indicators to underscore, to what extent India is making an assertion in nanoscience and nanotechnology. To have a more informed assessment, it makes a broad examination of the global scenario. The study demonstrates that India has made significant progress particularly in scientific publications. Also India’s application development looks promising as it shows it is addressing areas of pressing concerns i.e. water, energy and bio-medical. However, it is too early to say whether India’s research outputs can translate to niche global products or can make a major impact in Indian industry and society. 1 This Policy Brief is from the Project ‘Knowledge Creation and Innovation in an Emerging Technology: Contemporary and Future Scenario in Nanotechnology’ sponsored by DST-NSTMIS to CSIR-NISTADS. For a more detailed account refers to: Bhattacharya, S., Shilpa, Jayanthi A.P (2012), ‘Nanotechnology Research and Innovation in India: Drawing Insights from Bibliometric and Innovation Indicators’, CSIR-NISTADS Strategy Paper II, July 2012, NISTADS: India. Online available at under Reports. For comments/ suggestions and correspondence: sujit_academic@ 1 Introduction Nanotechnology has generated a great deal of excitement world-wide and is being cited as the key technology of the 21st century. Nanotechnology is already addressing key economic sectors namely ‘materials and manufacturing’ (coatings and composites for products like automobiles and buildings), ‘ICT and electronics’ (displays, chips, photonics, batteries), ‘health and fitness’, ‘food and beverages’, and ‘life sciences’ (pharmaceutical applications). From 2001 onwards, Government of India has given special attention to this area by launching NSTI (Nanoscience and Technology Initiative) as a mission mode programme in the X th plan (2002-2007) with an allocation of Rs 60 crore (15 million USD). In 2007, this was upgraded with another programme ‘Nano Mission’ with an allocation of Rs 1000 crore (250 million USD) for five years. The above two programmes have been initiated and implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). Nanotechnology has now evolved as a multi-agency effort with Department of Information Technology, Defense Research and Development Organization, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of Biotechnology emerging among the major players. The Policy Brief examines through bibliometric (publications and patents) and other innovation indicators (standards, products/processes developed) the progress so far that has been made i.e. a decade after nanotechnologywas initiated as a priority programme. 2 Publication Analysis 4.50 China USA 4.00 Publication (log scale) Japan 3.50 Germany France 3.00 England S. Korea India Taiwan Brazil 2.50 2.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Figure 1: Publication Activity of Key Advanced OECD and Emerging Economies Source: Constructed from SCI-E; Search Strategy based on Kostoff et al. (2006). China surpassed USA in nanotechnology publications in year 2009. China now i.e. in 2011 accounts for 26% of papers followed by USA accounting for 21% of papers. India has published 21680 papers during the period 2000-2011. Publications have increased significantly over the years and now in 2011 holds 6th rank (6% of global contribution) as compared to 13th rank in year 2000 (2% of global contribution). The maximum growth from year 2000 to year 2011 is shown by India (1394%) followed by China (1163%), Taiwan (1140%), and South Korea (1064%). 3 30.0 USA Publication share (%) 25.0 China 20.0 15.0 Japan Germany 10.0 5.0 France England S. Korea India Taiwan Brazil 0.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Figure 2: Publication Share in Nanotechnology Source: Constructed from SCI-E; Note: Publication share (in percentage) is in terms of global output. The trend of the global share i.e. contribution of each country to the total publications, shows how the scenario is changing. Except for Asian countries namely China, South Korea, Taiwan and India the global share of other advanced OECD countries are decreasing.  China global publication share increased from 9.8% in 2000 to 26% in 2011 whereas India’s global publication share increased from 2% in 2000 to 6% in 2011.  The dominant publishing countries (USA, Japan, and Germany) exhibit significant decrease in global publication share implying their relative publication growth has been in less. 4 Table 1: Visibility of India in Research Papers Year Total Output (Global Rank) Top 1% Cited Paper (Rank) Top 10% Cited Paper (Rank) AWA* 2005 2009 2011 1072 (11) 3086 (7) 5020 (6) 6 (14) 26 (13) 16 (14) 41 (15) 168 (9) 317 (9) 17 695 1395 Source: Constructed from SCI-E; Note: *AWA (Above world average) imply number of papers above the world average citation in that year. AWA in 2005 was 92, 8 in 2009 and 12 in 2011. China is contributing maximum research papers globally in this field but its visibility in highly cited papers is low. South Korea has shown significant progress in publishing in nanotechnology and is now among the top five countries in research paper output. Indian Research Visibilityin Nanotechnology:  Although India is emerging as an important player (6th rank in year 2011), but is not able to draw the attention of the research community in this field significantly (a high proportion of papers are receiving citation below world average). However, the numbers of highly cited papers are increasing in later years.  Collaboration is playing an important role in papers getting high degree of visibility. Out of 16 papers from India in the top 1% cited papers in 2011, 63% of papers (10 papers) are collaborative papers with authors from different institutes. This trend is similar in other periods.  Collaboration is also playing an important role in papers getting published in high impact factor journals. 5 Nanotechnology Papers in Different Subject Categories (2000-11) USA leads in publishing papers in nanotechnology in different subject categories: Applied Physics (71277 papers), Macromolecules (55536 papers), Physics (28561 papers), Chemistry (37122 papers) and Physical Chemistry (18758 papers). In the other three major subject fields, China has the maximum number of nanotechnology papers: Material Science (49443 papers), Analytical Chemistry (20834 papers) and Biochemistry (4453 papers). India and China are the only country which has shown increase in publication share in 2011 w.r.t 2000 in every subject category. For USA, Japan and Germany, the number of publications in the delineated eight subject fields increased significantly but its global share of publications decreased in 2011 w.r.t. 2000. India is most active in Applied Physics (9423 papers, 9th rank), Material Science (6988 papers, 8th rank) and Macromolecules (6701 papers, 8th rank). Electrical Engineering Electronics is the most dominant publication area of India. However this area is not prominently addressed in its nanotechnology publications. Areas of nanotechnology research that have bio-medical focus seem to be less addressed by India in their nanotechnology research. However the direction of India’s patenting and application development exhibits strong bio-medical focus. 6 Institutional Activity As a group/entity, CSIR and IIT’s are publishing maximum number of papers― 2193 and 2784 papers respectively (research period 2000-2009). The contemporary two years i.e. 2010 and 2011, exhibit a significant rise of research output by both these entities. The aggregated publication in this period (2010 and 2011) of CSIR increased by 47% to 3213 papers, and IIT by 55% to 4309 papers from the earlier period (2000-2009). This increasing research output in these two entities has played a major role in the publication increase from India in this field. Table 10 highlights the aggregated publication by different CSIR Laboratories for the period 2000-11. Collaborative Linkages among Institutions Figure 3: Collaborative Linkages among Most Active Institutions (2009) Note: Analysis using Bibexcel and visualization using Pajek. CSIR includes research activity of all the 38 laboratories publishing in nanotechnology. IIT includes combined activity of all the IIT’s.  The collaborative papers involving different institutes are increasing in later periods. In 2000, 37 % of the total papers whereas in 2009, 47 % of total papers were collaborative papers.  Close geographical proximity has strong bearing on collaboration. For example out of 106 papers of CSIR-NPL in 2009, 71 papers are collaborative papers. Among these collaborative papers 53% were from the institutes in close proximity– University of Delhi (35%), IIT-Delhi (28%), and Jamia Milia Islamia University (13%). 7 Content Analysis Figure 4: Linkages among Active Keywords (2009) Note: Analysis and Visualization using Citespace. The frequency of occurrence of keywords in the research papers highlight concepts that are prominent whereas linkages among them indicate topics where maximum research is taking place. Frequency and linkage analysis shows:  In 2000, specialized nanotechnology instruments such as AFM, STM are not visible in characterization of nanotechnology.  In 2005 specialized nanotechnology instruments are visible, connecting to different keywords; emergence of drug delivery as a major topic of research.  In 2009, linkages are maturing with focus on applied research namely in biomedical, water, and environmental mitigation. New nanoparticles are also observed in the network. 8 Patent Analysis Total 11289 patents were filed (2001-2011) under ‘Class 977: Nanotechnology’ in the USPTO. USA filed 4393 patents (39% of overall filing) followed by Japan 1014 patents (9% of patents filed) and South Korea 829 patents (7% of overall filing). Table 2: Applications Filed in the US Patent Office by Advanced OECD and Emerging Economies in Nanotechnology 2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2011 Country Total Patents % Contribution Total Patents % Contribution Total Patents % Contribution Total Patents % Contribution USA 159 61 578 54 1915 50 1726 28 Japan 33 13 118 11 380 10 483 8 1 1 58 5 306 8 464 7 Germany 11 4 55 5 157 4 192 3 China 1 1 9 1 157 4 240 4 Taiwan - - 35 3 243 7 345 6 South Korea Source: Thomson Innovation Patent Database. 9 Total 5509 patents were granted (2001-2011) under ‘Class 977: Nanotechnology’ in the USPTO. The maximum patents were granted to USA (2555 patents; 46% of overall grant) followed by Japan (783 patents; 14% of overall grant) and South Korea (397 patents; 7% of overall grant). Table 3: Patents Granted by the USPTO to Advanced OECD and Emerging Economies in Nanotechnology 2001-2003 Country Total Patents 2004-2006 % Contri- Total Patents bution % Contribution 2007-2009 Total Patents % Contribution 2010-2011 Total Patents % Contribution USA 336 21 502 47 868 64 849 54 Japan 230 14 172 16 176 13 205 13 42 3 64 6 94 7 197 13 Germany 87 5 36 3 34 3 36 2 China 1 - 10 1 29 - 50 3 Taiwan 19 - 43 4 56 4 90 6 South Korea Source: Thomson Innovation Patent Database.  One of the striking finding is the emergence of South Korea and China in patent filing as well as patent grant activity in the USPTO. During 2010-11, South Korea emerged as 3rd ranked country in patent filing (7% of total filing) and China  in 5th rank (4% of total filing). India’s presence in the USPTO is still insignificant. In all 35 patents were filed and 15 patents were granted during the period 2001-2011. 10 Table 4: Activity in Subclasses under Class 977 in the USPTO (2001-2011) 977 Class 977700 Description Nanostructure (Application [Grant]) 977839 977840 977902 977963 Mathematical algorithms for modeling configurations Manufacture, treatment or detection of nanostructure Specified use of nanostructure Miscellaneous India 26 [14] - 10 [9] 17 [9] - World 8048 [3649] 18 [11] 2070 [2563] 4207 [2369] 7 [24] Note: Patent can be classified in more than one sub-class.   Two subclasses namely ‘Nanostructure’ and ‘Specific Use of Nanostructures’ dominate patenting activity in the USPTO. Under ‘Nanostructure’ three subclasses are most active (filing more than 200 patents) namely: ‘Carbon Nanotubes’, ‘Nanowires or Quantum Wires’ and  ‘Crystallographic Terraces and Ridges’. Under ‘Specific use of Nanostructures’, two sub-classes dominate: ‘Drug Delivery’ and ‘Support System for DNA Analysis’. Some of the other active areas are: ‘Electromagnetic Properties’, ‘Virus based Particle’, ‘Single Walled and Multi-Walled Nanostructures’ and ‘Fullerenes or Fullerenes like Structures’. Indian patenting is just beginning in the US Patent Office. Some patents seem to provide new pathways to advance technology with novel solutions.  IISc patents cover a new class of nanotechnology enabled gas flow sensors. The patents and subsequent technology was based on their research which showed electricity generation by making a fluid flow through single-walled nanotubes.  Concept Medical Research Private Limited has applied for patents in the US and India for introducing nano particles to release drugs to block cell proliferation in the narrowed diseased coronary arteries. This is the first patent of its kind. 11 Standard Development Standard creation, recognition internationally, and its adoption is an important component in making a country’s dominant presence in a technology. This is more so for an emerging technology and for a country with a large domestic market, as technical standards created by it in a particular product class can become a key strategy for dominating internal market and influence future adoption of that standard internationally. China has developed a range of standards; initiating this process from 2003 onwards with different agencies involved in this process. Standard setting has been undertaken in parallel with other activities undertaken by China so as to gain early mover advantage in this technology. China has created 27 Nano-dimensional material and characterization standards, 2 standards on terminology & nomenclature and 12 nano materials/products standards. Twenty-one standards have been implemented so far. Standard activity is not explicitly articulated in India’s nanotechnology plan and implementation documents. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), CSIR-NPL and Nano Mission are the key stakeholders in the standard creation activity. CSIR-NPL is the national metrology institute of the country and thus the development of technical standards in nanotechnology falls within its mandate. BIS coordinates the overall standardization activity in the country. In 2010, BIS Nanotechnologies Sectional Committee formed four national Working Groups adopting from ISO     TC229. So far two standards are at the test stage: National standard on use of Atomic Force Microscope for Characterization and Evaluation of Nanomaterials. Electron Microscopic Characterization of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes. The two standards proposed are: Luminescent Nanomaterials and Magnetic Nanoparticles. Standard on Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanomaterials. 12 Products and Processes Developed Woodrow Wilson database identifies products or product lines in nanotechnology available globally. This database contained 1317 items (covered upto the year 2011).  Thirty countries show their presence in this database. USA, Germany, South Korea, China and Japan show major presence with 587, 168, 126, 55, and 51 products respectively.  Majority of the products (60% of the total products) globally are in ‘health and fitness’ segments. Home and garden segment’ is another area that has major presence in this database.  Products are not visible in four key medical segments where nanotechnology based applications can play a major role namely drug delivery, therapeutics, biosensors and medical devices. This may be due to the limitations of this database as they focus on product and not process inventory.  India just entered in this inventory with two personal care products (St. Botanica Nano Breast Cream, St. Botanica Pueraria Nano Breast Serum). In the domestic case i.e. within India, a few products/applications based on nanotechnology are visible. One observes that these are in diverse areas including areas that are of pressing concerns. Applications in some of the key areas/ sectors: Biomedical  University of Delhi has developed a process of entrapping genetic materials in nanoparticles of inorganic compounds to form non-viral carriers. This technology has been transferred to American Bioscience Inc., USA.  IIT-Bombay has developed a cardiac diagnosis product using nanotechnology that provides exact reading of an individual’s heart. This is already being used in many hospitals in India. 13 Figure 5: Nanotechnology based Applications in Different Sectors – Indian Scenario Energy  Researchers are working to create efficient and cost effective nano-enabled solar photo-voltaic cell. Moser Baer has active collaboration with CSIR-NCL and CSIR-NPL in this area.  In wind power, nanotechnology is helping in technology up-gradation and developing indigenous wind electric generators for generating power at very low cut in speeds.  Carbon fiber (nanotechnology based product) is being applied to make rotating fan light and efficient. Water Nanotechnology interventions have helped develop advanced water filter. CSIR (nanotechnology based water filter); ARCI and SBP Aquatech Pvt. Ltd (Puritech); Tata chemicals and IIT-Delhi (TataSwatch); Aquaguard Total by Eureka Forbes Ltd. and IIT- Madras (nanotechnology based solution to remove pesticides from water). 14 Drug delivery/ Diagnostics IACS, IIT-Bombay, IISc, IITDelhi, IIT- Kanpur, CSIR Water IIT-Madras, ARCI, IITDelhi, IIT- Kanpur, Tata Chemicals, Puritech Panacea Biotech, Piramal, Dr. Reddy's Labs Key players involved in subdomains Semiconductors IIT-Madras, IACS, SINP, CSIR-NCL, IIT-Bombay, Univ of Pune, IISc, IITDelhi Environmental remediation Textiles IIT –Delhi, IISc, ARCI Energy Resil Chemicals, Pluss Polymer Pvt.Ltd, Purolater India Ltd. IACS; IIT–Bombay, IISc, IITDelhi, IIT- Kanpur; CSIR, SINP, Amrita University IIT-Bombay, IITKanpur, CSIR Bharat Electronics Ltd, Insta Power Ltd. Figure 6: Key Players Involved in Sub-Domains of Nanotechnology 15 FinalRemarks India has made significant progress in nanotechnology research. It is now (in 2011) the sixth most active country publishing in this field. Also among the active publishing countries, maximum growth as well as increase in publication share is shown by India.  This growth has primarily been due to institutes getting more prolific, increase in the number of institutions involved in publishing, wider set of journals used for publication and increasing collaborations.  Research is exhibiting more interdisciplinary characteristics (reflection through journals) and activity within different subfields of nanotechnology.  India is also increasing its contribution among the highly cited papers.  Collaboration is instrumental in increasing output, publishing in high impact factor journals and in papers attracting citations.  Collaborative papers exhibit strong geographical proximity. This may be due to sharing of sophisticated capital intensive instruments required for nanotechnology research. 16  India’s patenting activity is still in a nascent stage. However, some patents are promising as they address niche areas of global relevance; some are addressing areas of pressing concerns in key sectors energy, pharmaceutical, and water.  India, has only taken initial first steps in addressing standardization issue.  India has developed nanotechnology based products/applications in water, pharmaceuticals, ICT, energy, sports, biotechnology and various consumer products. There are some major gaps that need to be addressed.  Few institutions and firms are involved in patenting activity in the USPTO. This picture may change to some extent in the domestic patent office. However, US being the most lucrative and demand oriented market, patenting therein in a high technology can lead to high returns.  India’s papers are attracting attention but still large numbers of papers remains uncited or attract one/two citations. The ratio of citation per paper is still very low, an indication of weak reception.  Inspite of impressive research activity, the translation towards product/process development needs more attention. Nanotechnology is a science intensive technology and scientific understanding is a pre-requisite for developing applications in this field. Involvement of firms more intensively in research activity and developing linkages with the academia will provide the grounding for application/product development.  Standardization is a major area of concern. It has not been taken up to the extent it is needed to be addressed. 17 MethodologicalNote       Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) was used for extracting data for research publications. Kostoff et al. (2006) developed a detailed search strategy for extraction of nanotechnology records. This search strategy was applied in this study for harvesting records in nanotechnology. Mogoutov and Kahane (2007) have defined a search strategy which identifies nanotechnology publication activity in eight major subfields: Physics, Physical Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Material Science, and Macromolecules. This search string was applied to identify nanotechnology activity in the identified subject fields. The difference in publication counts among different studies may be due to the databases being used i.e. Scopus or SCI/SCI-Expanded. The rationale of choosing SCI-E was their stringent selection criterion for inclusion of journals in their database. Scopus has wider reach in terms of inclusion of journals from developing and emerging economies. We argue that nanotechnology field has a global audience and SCI-E provides a more accurate representation. The date of accession is also an important reason for the difference as the journal publication and its entry in the database has a lag period. The search strategy for harvesting nanotechnology records also has strong bearing in the final output. This study is guided by the review paper by Huang et al. (2011) that points out the relevance of the two search strategies used in this paper. For extraction of nanotechnology patents from the US Patent Office, the Class 977 delineated by it for patents covering nanotechnology was used. Analysis of nanotechnology based products or product lines in the international market were identified through the Woodrow Wilson database. This database does not cover processes/applications and therefore it is inadequate in determining process inventory i.e. medical applications and other useful processes in different areas. However, no acceptable international database is available that covers processes/applications developed based on nanotechnology. In the domestic case i.e. within India it was possible to capture through secondary sources and primary survey the processes/application. Various secondary sources such as IBID (newspaper clipping service), annual reports, web-sites, trade-journals etc were used. Along with capturing additional items, primary survey also helped in validating the coverage from secondary sources. References (Search Strategy) Kostoff, R. N., Stump, J. A., Johnson, D., Murday, J. S., Lau, C. G. Y., Tolles, W. M. (2006). The structure and infrastructure of global nanotechnology literature. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 8(3-4), 301-321. Mogoutov, A., Kahane, B. (2007). Data search strategy for science and technology emergence: A scalable and evolutionary query for nanotechnology tracking. Research Policy, 36, 893-903. Huang, C., Notten, A., Rasters, N., (2011). Nanoscience and technology publications and patents: A review of social science studies and search strategies. Journal of Technology Transfer, 36(2), 145-172. 18 RelatedResearchPublicationsfromthisProject  Bhattacharya, S., Shilpa and Jayanthi A.P (2012). Nanotechnology Research and Innovation in India: Drawing Insights from Bibliometric and Innovation Indicators. CSIR-NISTADS Strategy Paper II, July 2012, NISTADS: India. Online available at under Reports.  Bhattacharya, S., Shilpa and Bhati, M. (in Press). China and India: The Two New Players in the Nanotechnology Race. Scientometrics. DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0651-7. Available at online first;  Bhattacharya, S. and Shilpa (in Press). China Moving Ahead in the Global Nanotechnology Race: Evidences from Scientometric Study. COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management. Abstract available at online first; pdf.  Bhattacharya, S., Bhati, M., Jayanthi, A.P. and Malhotra, S.K. (in Press) Knowledge Creation and Transformation Process in a Frontier Technology: Case Study of Nanotechnology Research in Indian In Advances in Nanotechnology Westville Publishing India, Volume 7, Chapter 26.  Bhattacharya, S., Bhati, M. and Kshitij, A.P. (2011) Investigating the Role of Policies, Strategies, and Governance in China’s Emergence as a Global Nanotech Player. IEEE conference proceeding of the 2011 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy.  Bhattacharya, S. and Bhati, M. (2011) China’s Emergence as a Global Nanotech Player: Lessons for Countries in Transition. China Report, 47 (4).  Bhattacharya, S. and Shilpa (2011). Mapping Nanotechnology Research and Innovation in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 31 (5), 349-358. Acknowledgements We thank DST-NSTMIS for supporting this study and Dr Parveen Arora in particular for his coordination. Thank CSIR-NISTADS for providing necessary support for conducting this study. The project received valuable support from ARCI and in particular Dr G Sundararajan Director ARCI and Chairman of the Project Advisory Committee. We are grateful to the LPAC members and in particular Prof Santanu Roy (IMT) and Dr Anil Rai (IASRI) for their comments on this Policy Brief and the related Strategy Paper. 19 Profile of the Contributors Dr. Sujit Bhattacharya is a Senior Principal Scientist in CSIRNISTADS, New Delhi and Editor-In-Chief of the ‘Journal of Scientometric Research’. His areas of work include Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies, Scientometrics, Intellectual Property Rights. He has published widely in the above areas. He is leading the DST-NSTMIS NSTMIS project ‘Knowledge creation and innovation in emerging technologies: C Contemporary and future scenario in nanotechnology’. notechnology’. Shilpa is a Project Assistant at CSIR-NISTADS, presently working in the project ‘Knowledge creation and innovation in emerging technologies’. She is an M.Sc in Bioinformatics and is developing competency in data mining and visual visualization which is reflected d in her research contributions. Jayanthi A. Pushkaran is a Senior Project Assistant at CSIR-NISTADS CSIR presently working on project ‘Knowledge creation and innovation in emerging technologies’ and a PhD Scholar at the Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University. She is especially interested in risk and governan governance issues in emerging technologies es and is contributing actively in this theme. CSIR-NISTADS CSIR-National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (CSIR-NISTADS) NISTADS) is one of the leading institutions under CSIR exploring interface between science technology and society. The institute as a knowledge-generating generating organization carries out studies in several areas of national importance, for example, S&T policy, innovation and national competitiveness in global context, CSIR and public funded knowledge and technology, mapping knowledge trends and outcomes in S&T. It also undertakes studies on history and nd philosophy of science and technology and S&T for weaker sections. sectio Printed at: CSIR-National National Institute of Scienc Science Communication and Information Resources, Resources Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Ca Campus, New Delhi- 110012, India 20