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Our statistics compendium presents the latest statistics for journalists, healthcare professionals, researchers and the general public. 


We use a lot of statistics in our press releases, policy statements, heart health resources and throughout our website, and many of them are from our statistics compendium. This series has appeared under a variety of titles but has been published for several decades, and normally gets updated annually.

For this edition we worked with a BHF-funded team at the University of Birmingham to compile the most comprehensive UK statistics on heart and circulatory disease in the UK.  

The datasets here are from reputable, official sources, and some are created from new analysis, including comorbidities. This compendium has exclusive content for UK mortality and morbidity for heart and circulatory disease at local, regional and national level and datasets for treatments, costs and risk factors. It also features international data from the respected Global Burden of Disease. Time series are included for some indicators. We have added more morbidity and historical mortality data in this edition.

The Excel spreadsheets here include tables, charts and graphs for each statistical theme.

This edition was first published in April 2020.

The searchable pdf version brings the tables from all five chapters together in one document, along with a glossary of terms which are used in the compendium. 

Downloads and Links 

2020 Statistics Compendium (Tables) (pdf)  

Chapter 1 - Mortality (Excel)

Chapter 2a - Morbidity - incidence - (Excel)

Chapter 2b - Morbidity - prevalence (Excel)

Chapter 3 - Treatments (Excel)

Chapter 4 - Costs (Excel)

Chapter 5 - Risk Factors (Excel)

All content is referenced but please contact us with any queries.